
Estate Planning

Don't let the term estate planning intimidate you. First, an estate merely describes personal assets including a home and money. All of us have an estate according to the law and it is important that you have a legal will.

Your estate may consist of assets such as your home, car, recreational vehicle or watercraft, boat, furniture, art and antiques, investments, savings, checking accounts and retirement funds.

Are you aware of how many possessions you have and their value or will you wait until your passing and leave that task to your heirs? At that time, your loved ones and survivors will be faced with the task of deciding what to do with your possessions and how to distribute them according to the will and whim of the court. Estate planning allows you to create the neccessary legal documents and procedures to determine ahead of time how best to handle your worldly possessions upon our death.

Estate Planning starts today. Get a legal will!

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